5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with "negative" characteristics

and 10th International Workshop Auxetics and related systems Poznan (Poland) 15-19 September 2014

The conference

Mon, 15 Sept. | Tue, 16 Sept. | Wed, 17 Sept. | Thu, 18 Sept. | Fri, 19 Sept.

Thursday, 18 September

Session XIII

chaired by: Anselm C. Griffin
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Angus P. Wilkinson

(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

The roles of disorder and pressure in the properties of some low and negative thermal expansion materials

Bojan A. Marinkovic, Patricia I. Ponton

(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Towards near zero thermal expansion in bulk ceramics and reduced thermal expansion in polymer composites

Vitaly A. Kuzkin

(Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)

Nonlinear positive/negative thermal expansion and equations of state of a chain with longitudinal and transverse vibrations

Session XIV

chaired by: Angus P. Wilkinson
(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Anselm C. Griffin

(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Rotatable rods in auxetic materials and structures

Alessandro Airoldi

(Milano University of Technology, Italy)

Development and application of composite chiral honeycombs with auxetic behavior

Prateek Verma

(Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)

Inducing out-of-plane auxetic behavior in needle-punched nonwovens

Copyright Department of Computational Physics of Complex Systems, Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. ❖ Designed by J. W. Narojczyk.