5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with "negative" characteristics

and 10th International Workshop Auxetics and related systems Poznan (Poland) 15-19 September 2014

The conference

Mon, 15 Sept. | Tue, 16 Sept. | Wed, 17 Sept. | Thu, 18 Sept. | Fri, 19 Sept.

Monday, 15 September

Registration & Excursion to Poznan Old Market


Krzysztof W. Wojciechowski
(Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)

Session I

chaired by: Graeme W. Milton
(University of Utah, USA)

Joseph N. Grima

(University of Malta, Malta)

On the mechanical and structural properties of sp2 hybridised carbon-based networks

Sung Youb Kim

(National Institute of Science and Technology, South Korea)

Negative Poisson's ratios in metal (001) nanoplates

Teik-Cheng Lim

(SIM University, Singapore)

Some remarkable uniqueness of auxetic solids and structures

Session II

chaired by: Joseph N. Grima
(University of Malta, Malta)

Graeme W. Milton

(University of Utah, USA)

Complete characterization of the macroscopic deformations of periodic unimode metamaterials of rigid bars and pivots

Martin T. Dove

(Queen Mary University, United Kingdom)

Negative thermal expansion: materials and other negative properties

Luke Mizzi

(University of Malta, Malta)

A study on the effect of disorder on the mechanical properties of hexachiral honeycombs

Welcome Party

Copyright Department of Computational Physics of Complex Systems, Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. ❖ Designed by J. W. Narojczyk.