5th International Conference Auxetics and other materials and models with "negative" characteristics

and 10th International Workshop Auxetics and related systems Poznan (Poland) 15-19 September 2014

The conference

Mon, 15 Sept. | Tue, 16 Sept. | Wed, 17 Sept. | Thu, 18 Sept. | Fri, 19 Sept.

Tuesday, 16 September

Session III

chaired by: Fabrizio Scarpa
(University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Andrew Alderson

(Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom)

Production and characterisation of mechanically and topologically uniform and gradient auxetic foams inspired by nature

Georgios E. Stavroulakis

(Technical University of Crete, Greece)

Optimal design of auxetic microstructures using topology optimization and numerical homogenization

Tomasz Strek

(Poznan University of Technology, Poland)

Finite element analysis of effective properties of sandwich panel with two-phase core

Session IV

chaired by: Andrew Alderson
(Sheffield Hallam University,
United Kingdom)

Fabrizio Scarpa

(University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Morphing Auxetics: from compliant structures to shape memory polymer and inflatable systems

Dayi Zhang

(Beihang University, PRC)

Mechanical characteristics of metal rubber and its application

Sean-Paul Attard

(University of Bristol, United Kingdom)

Failure and environmental performance of auxetic composite laminates

Session V

chaired by: Yun-Che Wang
(National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

Arkady V. Dyskin

(The University of Western Australia)

Mechanics of solids with negative Poisson's ratio and negative stiffness

Igor Shufrin

(The University of Western Australia)

Stiffening effect of auxetic inclusions

Bogdan T. Maruszewski

(Poznan University of Technology, Poland)

Thermoelastic damping in auxetic rectangular plate

Session VI

chaired by: Arkady Dyskin
(The University of Western Australia)

Yun-Che Wang

(National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

Anomalous effective viscoelastic, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of negative-stiffness composites and their stability

Muamer Kadic

(Karlsruhe institute of Technology, Germany)

Experiments on metamaterials with negative Poisson's ratios

Piotr Reymer

(Air Force Institute of Technology, Poland)

Static and dynamic material properties of the two layered polyurethane foam structure including auxetic material

Session VII Poster session

chaired by:

Georgios E. Stavroulakis
(Technical University of Crete, Greece)

Miroslaw R. Dudek
(University of Zielona Gora, Poland)

Poster session

Copyright Department of Computational Physics of Complex Systems, Institute of Molecular Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. ❖ Designed by J. W. Narojczyk.