Auxetics 2006 -First International Conference on Auxetics and Anomalous Systems
4 - 6 September 2006, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK


Welcome to the Auxetics 2006 conference website.

The conference incorporates the 3rd International Workshop on Auxetics and Related Systems and the 3rd annual AuxetNet Young Researchers Forum.

Abstracts within the following topics are invited for submission by 30th June 2006. Please send abstracts as attachments in pdf, doc or rtf formats by email to

• fundamental physics and mechanisms
• molecular and other modelling techniques
• experimental methods
• heterogeneity issues
• auxetic/NTE chemistry
• auxetic/NTE applications

Abstract Submission Deadline 30th June 2006

Conference Flyer available to download: Auxetics Poster

University of Exeter



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