Registration fee (including accommodation, meals, refreshments, banquet,
400 euro (if paid until June 20, 2005)
500 euro (if paid after June 20, 2005)
550 euro (if paid at the conference desk)
In the remittance, please write:
the acronym AUXET'05 and the name(s) of the registered person(s).
Name of the bank:
Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. 2/0 Poznan
Address of the Bank:
ul. Jugoslowianska 10
PL-60-301 POZNAN
Account numbers:
for payments in euro:
PL93 1090 1346 0000 0000 3423 4292
for payments in zloty (only for participants from Poland):
07 1090 1346 0000 0000 3402 4865
Account owner:
Institute of Molecular Physics
Polish Academy of Sciences
ul. M. Smoluchowskiego 17
PL-60-179 Poznan